The Treehouse hotel project is an ambitious refurbishment project of the existing multi-storey Treehouse Hotel in Manchester. This project involves a floor by floor refurbishment effort by the developers to modernise the existing building. Within this undertaking Abseil systems are required to provide access to the new façade.

The Challenges
Working with an existing structure can provide multiple challenges especially when original construction occurred decades ago. Having to work to potentially outdated drawings and degraded substrates can throw unexpected spanners in to the works unless carefully planned for.
Degraded Substrate
When KaydeeSayfa was brought on to the project the existing concrete on the roof areas was the intended fixing substrate for the abseil bases. Unfortunately, following structural calculations provided by KaydeeSayfa, the existing substrate was deemed to be incapable of withstanding the forces produced by the system during use. The concrete decking was identified as being too thin and degraded for concrete fixing, and would need major reinforcement to be safe. Any reinforcement would have the added consequence of creating an eyesore in the public areas of the hotel including the restaurant dining area. A new solution was needed to develop a safe and suitable alternative without compromising on the aesthetic of the architectural design.
Multi-stage development
Since 2021, KaydeeSayfa have receiving 6 individual orders for this development, the ambitious refurbishment of the existing building, work had been and continues to be carried out in stages with design details being provided in small sections as the development progresses. Working stage by stage creates a unique challenge as, without the full picture the access solutions are at risk of being disjointed and incompatible. To ensure that the final access solution allows for easy and efficient use, each section needs to designed to compliment the previous phases but capable of incorporating future solutions.
The Solution
KaydeeSayfa have over +20 years of delivering height safety and façade access solutions on some of the largest developments across the UK. For the Treehouse Hotel project we utilised our experienced in-house design team and strong relationship with innovative suppliers to deliver effective and safe solutions for the end user.

Unsuitable Substrate
However, following the results from the structural calculations, our design team needed to develop an alternative solution, which would minimise any impact to the building's aesthetic without compromising on the safety of the system.
After close collaboration between our design team, the developer, and the end client, our team proposed the innovative solution of using bespoke steel columns on to which the abseil bases would be fixed. In turn, these steel columns are fixed through the concrete substrate, to the primary steel underneath. This solution provides a strong fixing area for the use of a davit system used for window cleaning.
Since our initial involvement in 2021 our team are well experienced with the site team and the overall needs of the project. Our continued presence on site, is due to the valued service our team provide for the customer with transparent communication and extensive collaboration to achieve a successful installation. With first hand knowledge of the project from the previous stages, which had been drawn up and installed by our design and operations teams, the multi-stage nature of the Treehouse Hotel project was easily overcome and managed through diligent foresight and a strong project knowledge.
Ongoing Support & Compliance Services
With the gradual completion of the project, following the initial commissioning of the system a regular inspection is required to ensure the continued safety of the abseil, height safety, and height access systems. Our dedicated Compliance Services team, continue to provide support to Treehouse Hotel regarding the continued compliance of their systems. Following the completion of early stages our team have carried out a number of inspections on site, including the 6 monthly LOLER inspection for the abseil rail and abseil bases, and the 12 month inspection of the safety line and ladders.

The regular inspection and testing of these systems is a legal obligation for the Duty Holder to ensure that anyone carrying out work at height is safe. Depending on the system type and use, the frequency that the testing should be carried out changes. Our team are able to advise on the requirements of testing intervals.
The Treehouse Hotel project is a perfect example of how clear communication, diligent design, and technical knowledge can overcome unique and unexpected challenges. Our team continue to work closely with the main contractor for the Treehouse Hotel project, forming a strong relationship and we look forward to providing a complete, safe and effective façade access solution for the future owners.