At KaydeeSayfa we go the extra mile to ensure we’re tender compliant and give you, the contractor, an accurate and comparable price. In the construction packages industry there is no set standard, quotes from different providers come in different shapes and sizes with exclusions, mixture of value engineered elements and incorrect formatting making it impossible for the contractor to compare 2 quotes.

We follow a 4 step process to ensure our quotes are transparent, easy to compare and tender compliant.
Our estimating teams deliver the pricing / quote in the format requested by you - this creates a transparent process and allows contractors to easily compare prices and elements. Depending on the package we can provide pricing based on architects drawings or BOQ's - Our goal is to make the estimating process simpler and easier for our customers.
Asking for more information
If we need more information or clarification we’ll submit a timely Request for Information to get more clarity so we can provide an accurate quote for your project. Most providers do not request further clarification and can create an incorrect quote which causes problems later down the line.
The complete quote
Including all elements requested within our quotes is important for 2 main reasons - one so you have an accurate price for the project with as little movement as possible between initial tender price and final price. Secondly it is important for like for like comparisons between quotes - A quote without all elements will not be a like for like comparison and may appear better ‘value’ initially.
Spec Compliant and Value engineered options Part of our ‘One Standard’ we provide 2 quote options for customers. An accurate spec compliant option with the specified product and systems, and a secondary value engineered option. Both quotes are sent separately and clearly highlighted as specified and VE to allow a simpler decision making and comparison process for customers.
The value engineered solutions proposed will meet or exceed the performance and technical requirements of the specified products for a like for like comparison and no compromise on quality. For more information or to get a quote for your project, call us on 01509 502 155.