The KaydeeSayfa Compliance Testing department are responsible for coordinating and executing a range of crucial building services, primarily Height Safety, Façade Access, & Lightning Protection System Testing. Our experienced team form a cohesive unit, that carries out a crucial service to keep your building compliant and your workers safe. We would like to introduce you to some of our team, and give you an insight in to the people that deliver your system testing.
Sales Team

Our Sales team are responsible for educating and supporting our customers, through the enquiry stage, to ensure you understand and uphold your responsibility as a duty holder. It is your responsibility to make sure that those carrying out works, particularly at height, are doing so safely taking every reasonable action to ensure that this is so. A core aspect of keeping individuals safe is the regular maintenance and testing of the systems which are designed to keep them safe, such as Height Safety Systems & LPSs.
Our team will guide you through understanding the best option for you and your facility(ies). The type of testing and inspections vary depending on the systems which are present on your building(s), abseil systems such as davit bases require a 6 month LOLER inspection where as, fall restraint systems such as Safety Lines require testing every 12 months to remain complaint. Once the best solution has been found the sales team will pass you to our Operations team to start the process towards compliance.
Operations Team
The operations team is responsible for making sure your building's system testing is completed without issue. Through diligent management of all parties involved, the team coordinate the entire testing from the initial booking of the test date, to managing the engineer onsite, and ultimately issuing the reports & certificates to you the customer.

Our operations team consists of Louis, our Compliance Testing Operations Lead, & Francesca the Compliance Testing Administrator. Despite being the smallest team in the department, their strategic and streamlined approach allows them to successfully manage 1000s of tests a year across the country. The team is equipped with years of experience and a purpose-built scheduling & reporting system. With these tools the team can strategically plan & execute your system testing, whilst providing excellent service.

An example of our team's efficiency is the monthly height safety testing, which is carried out for the Greater London Army Reserves. This contract involves carrying out system testing, across +40 buildings in Greater London on a 3 month basis. The operations team put a huge amount of effort in to ensuring the smooth completion of this testing, and the continued success of this contract is a testament to their departmental efficiency & effectiveness.
Our team of Testing Engineers cover the length and breadth of the UK, providing vital testing and maintenance services to your building's height safety & lightning protection systems. Our experienced Engineers are integral to the successful delivery of our system testing, by carrying out the on-site inspection and testing of the system, inline with industry standards.

Our team is fully equipped to perform a range of inspection & testing services, including LOLER and LPS testing. When attending site our Engineers will make contact with the site contact to gain access to the necessary areas. Once access has been gained, our Engineers will carry out the testing on the required systems. This involves visual inspections and metered testing using specialised tools to test the system's capability. Throughout the site visit our Engineers are documenting their findings, through written notes and photographic evidence.
Our Engineers are primarily concerned with the overall condition of the system's components; checking for any damage or structural decay, which may cause the system to be unsuitable for use. Upon completion of the inspections the Engineer will clearly identify any non-compliant systems and return to the office to draw up their report. Once the report has been finalised, it will be issued to your duty holder or the individual responsible for your facility, alongside any comments regarding non-compliant systems and recommended next steps.
The ultimate goal of our Compliance Testing team is to help you keep your people and building safe. By ensuring your safety systems are certified and effective, you are upholding your responsibilities by providing the best possible protection against potential risks. To learn more about how our KaydeeSayfa Compliance Testing team can support you and your facilities with statutory system testing of building critical systems. Speak to our team or 01509 502 155.