London Business school is one of the highest achieving Business Education institutions in the world. With it's long illustrious history and stellar location near the heart of London, the business school attracts students from every corner of the globe. The London Campus consists of the London Business School, Taunton Centre, Sammy Ofer Centre, and The North Building.

Since 2021, KaydeeSayfa have been responsible for inspecting and certifying the Height Safety and Height Access systems, which span the multi-building London Campus. The facilities feature height access systems such as guardrail, step overs, and ladders which allow users to freely move around the roof tops. These systems provide collective fall protection so are typically found in areas which are regularly used either by maintenance teams or members of the public.
Height Access systems, such as these, undergo a visual inspection for any degradation as a result of weather or time, and a deflection test to ensure they are structurally rigid and provide appropriate protection.
Height Safety systems such as, safety line and eyebolts, allow users to navigate areas with a high risk of falls, safely in either fall restraint or fall arrest. These systems are examples of individual fall protection, which are put in place to either prevent a user from falling or to arrest a user’s fall. Height Safety systems are testing using a visual inspection and a pull test to ensure they are secured to their fixing structure.
On the most recent visit, our engineers identified a number of systems that were unsuitable for use. These systems had degraded over time due to a build up of rust, and some systems being updated and paired with older systems which causes both systems to be non-compliant.
It is the responsibility of the building's dutyholders to ensure their facility's safety systems are safe to use. In this case KaydeeSayfa, were able to identify and condemn the unsuitable systems and then offer a design, source, and installation solution for the required remedial works. Once works are completed the systems will then provide safe access for users when working at height.

If you would like to learn more about height safety system retesting or are unsure about your responsibilities as a duty holder then get in touch with out team. Call us on 01509 502 155 or email