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Leroy House: Rapid Problem Solving to Keep Site Mobile


Leroy House, a multi-occupant office property in London, recently underwent a major refurbishment to bring the building in to the 21st century. Included in this work was a much needed update to the height safety and façade access systems on the building.

Sayfa Group­™ Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit
Sayfa Group­SayfaMove Mobile Davit

The new building owners required a reliable façade access system, to support ongoing maintenance and cleaning operations. The project presented a number of challenges, primarily due to the age of the building and limited information from the initial construction. In order to overcome these challenges our team engaged with the principle contractor and end user to develop a bespoke solution, quickly, to avoid project delays while ensuring compliance with safety standards.

The Challenge

At the initial design stage our design team worked to drawings and details provided by the principle contractor, on which to base our system layout and propose a façade access solution. Following drawing approval, our operations team, promptly set about carrying out the installation works. However, when our team arrived on site to begin installing the systems they made two discoveries.

The first was that the substrate did not match the drawing and would not by substantial enough to withstand the required force for the fixed abseil bases. Secondly, a steel beam which was expected to be the fixing substrate for a row of davit bases, was installed in a different area to what was on the drawings. Following these revelations, and with construction already underway, the proposed solution was no longer feasible. Our team had to now quickly reassess the situation and began work on a new solution.

The Solution

To overcome these challenges, our team worked closely with the contractor and end client, to develop an alternative solution without causing any major delays to the overall project timeline. We looked to our design team and innovative system partners, for a new solution that would maintain safety and functionality while minimising impact on the project timeline.

The optimal solution was determined to be the use of mobile systems, which utilise weights to counterbalance the forces created while the user is abseiling on the system. This new solution provided a safe means of abseil and fall restraint/arrest without the need for permanent fixing to the unsuitable substrate.

  1. Mobile Davit Arm System – A portable solution that enables operatives to carry out façade access safely, without the need to fix to the building. The outreach of the arm provides a deviation point over the parapet/balustrade to avoid any excess force being applied during abseiling.

  2. Mobile Weighted Anchor – The mobile anchor is a dynamic means of fall restraint or arrest which works in a similar way to the mobile davit by using weights to prevent any movement when deployed. This allows users to safely access areas whilst in a restraint scenario, ensuring operatives remained secure while working at height.

The Results

The Leroy House project highlights the importance of flexibility and adaptability in overcoming unforeseen challenges on-site. Through experienced decision making and technical knowledge, our team were able to provide alternative solutions, rapidly, in order to maintain project momentum and deliver a safe and compliant means of access the areas at height and building facades.

Our proactive approach to problem-solving and close engagement with the client and our suppliers, ensured a successful outcome, reinforcing our commitment to delivering efficient and effective façade access solutions.

Compliance Services

Following project completion, KaydeeSayfa continue to provide be involved in Leroy House with our Compliance Services Team. Our dedicated testing and training team provide a valuable service for the owner of the building, by regular testing of the systems we installed with a hassle free approach for the building managers.

To learn more about how KaydeeSayfa can support with your project's Façade Access and Height Safety packages, as well as ongoing maintenance and inspection. Speak to Our Team

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