On January 1st 2023, KaydeeSayfa was formed with the aim of providing the construction industry with a single point of contact for a range of specialist construction packages. Now, 6 months in to the KaydeeSayfa era, we look at the successes and areas for continued improvement as we look past the half way point.
As One Company, KaydeeSayfa provide sourcing, design, survey, installation, and Compliance Testing services for the construction industry. We offer a unique collection of package solutions primarily focusing on Internal Shading Solutions and Height Safety Systems. With +35 years of trading history, KaydeeSayfa has built a robust and expansive supply chain to ensure our ability to source and install for any scale of project. The KaydeeSayfa model ensures that we as one organisation can further feed our growth and continue to provide effective package solutions.
Client Success
The KaydeeSayfa model is designed to provide our clients with one point of contact, across multiple packages, for all project communications and processes. Tendering, quoting, approving, and the processing of payment; all require extensive work. This workload is naturally doubled when dealing with two subcontractors. KaydeeSayfa offers all the benefits of securing a subcontractor to carry our works, with the added benefits of time and effort saved by only dealing with one subcontractor.
Project Success
As a multiple package provider KaydeeSayfa is able to tender for a number of packages on a singular project. This improves the value of a project for the team and allows our procurement team to better plan for the future.

"Joint Package" enquiries received refers to the projects for which we have tendered for both packages. Currently this value makes up a small percentage of our overall value of enquiries. However, as we continue to provide quality project delivery and become involved in tendering process earlier, this value is expected to increase.
Internal Success
The KaydeeSayfa merger provided the opportunity to streamline our internal operations process. As part of the restructuring of KaydeeSayfa, two new departments were created:
Pre-construction Department
The pre-construction department focuses on ensuring that every aspect is considered after a project has been tendered and won. The role of this department is to keep one eye on what is coming in and the other on the future prospects.
Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance department does what it says on the tin. Our dedicated team of site operatives will be involved in performing routine checks of on site activities and ensure that the job is being done to the "One Standard" that we set ourselves and in-turn those who we work with.
While the function of these departments were already being carried out by individual roles. The merger of KaydeeSayfa allowed for these departments to be properly defined, and those working within these departments to solely focus on their responsibilities.

In addition to new departments, the KaydeeSayfa team has grown to accommodate our continued success. Since January 2023, we have filled a number of newly created positions with some current and some new faces. Our team has welcomed 6 new starters to the KaydeeSayfa team, helping to bolster every aspect of our business including Warehouse Management, Operations, and Business Development.
Supply Chain Success
As part of our commitment to offering the best solutions for our clients, the KaydeeSayfa team are constantly looking to build strong relation ships with suppliers. These supplier relations allow our procurement team to source quality products at scale.
Since the start of the year KaydeeSayfa has established supply chains in Eastern Europe, Spain, France, and Middle East. Domestically, KaydeeSayfa has onshore two product lines with UK manufacturers, which have since been used on some of our largest projects.
To stay up to date on the progress of KaydeeSayfa; follow our LinkedIn or check back for updates.