The introduction of BS 7883:2019 brings a major change, to how the height safety sector, and wider facility management/building owners industries, should approach height safety systems. Failure to adhere to the new standard can result in loss of insurance cover as adhering to the latest standard (BS 7883:2019) is now becoming a more wide-spread requirement. The latest edition, of BS 7883, introduces some fundamental changes to the design, installation, and maintenance of these systems. Which can have a major impact on how your building's systems can be used. Watch our video or read more to better understand what has changed and how KaydeeSayfa can support with your systems' certification going forward.
What has changed?
A number of new concepts have been introduced in the latest standard, spanning from the initial design through to the ongoing maintenance of the system. In this case we are going to focus on the maintenance aspect of the standard, as this is contains the aspects of the standard which are most relevant for building managers/owners and other duty holders.
Introduction of System Technical Files
A major development in the 2019 edition of BS 7883 is the introduction of System Technical files. These collections of documents are specific to your building's systems and detail all relevant information regarding their installation and maintenance specifically including:
"As-built" drawings showing the final layout of your systems installation.
Documentation for traceability of products and items.
Complete System design specification.
Details on any hidden elements of the system (e.g. covered by roof hatches, cladding, etc).
Details of and variation from the manufacturer's specification (e.g. method of fixing).
The importance of system technical files is underline by the requirement for these documents to be available for inspectors in order for a system to achieve a conditional/unconditional pass, as specified in the updated Testing criteria. If you do not know the whereabouts of your system's technical files they are typically located within the handover documentation received when the building was first completed or when the system was installed. If you do not have any technical files, these can be created post install. Our team can utilise our decades of experience and inhouse system design team to help in the creation of new system technical files. Speak to our team to learn more about how we can provide support for your building's system ( or 01509 502 155).
New Testing Criteria
In order to bring more clarity to the inspection and maintenance process of Height Safety Anchor systems; BS 7883 standard introduces a refined testing breakdown to provide further transparency for building duty holders.
Category | Resulting Action |
Pass | Satisfies all relevant recommendations and therefore can remain in service and should be labelled as remaining in service. |
Conditional Pass | Satisfies the recommendations of the previous standard but does not meet all current recommendations in accordance with BS 7883:2019. The system does not represent an immediate safety concern and so should remain in service. To be accompanied by a report outlining appropriate remedial works required. |
Conditional Fail | Satisfies the recommendations of the previous standard but does not meet all current recommendations in accordance with BS 7883:2019. The system does not represent an immediate safety concern but is incapable of improvement and so should not remain in service. To be accompanied by a report outlining appropriate remedial works required. |
Fail | Does not satisfy the recommendation of a previous standard or meet the recommendations of BS 7883:2019. The system poses an immediate safety concern which is beyond repair/improvement and should be labelled as out of service. To be accompanied by a report outlining appropriate remedial works required. |
How does the new standard impact me and my building?
Insurance Coverage
Despite coming in to effect on the 30th of November 2019 the latest edition of BS 7883 is only now becoming more widely adopted 5 years on. This is because British Standards (BS) are not legally binding and only go to outline best practise. However, the requirement for these standards to be followed is enforced by insurance providers who necessitate that the standards to be met for the insurance cover to be valid.
As such, the recent surge in BS 7883:2019 can be attributed to the increase in insurance providers requiring that the latest standard is now the primary. This gradual shift means that, depending on your business insurance provider's preferences, you could either be required to meet BS 7883:2019 or a previous iteration of the standard.
We understand this can be confusing and knowing what standard you need to adopt and what your responsibilities are can be daunting. However, our compliance testing team are able to provide support & advice across both BS 7883:2005 & BS 7883:2019 and help you get to grips with how you can remain compliant and covered.
Technical Files for Pre-existing Systems
With the introduction of Technical System Files in BS 7883:2019 it is unlikely that you will have the required documentation to achieved a full or conditional pass on your systems. This is can mean that your systems cannot be used, thus preventing potentially crucial maintenance or access to your building's at risk areas. Which can have wider financial or safety consequences for your building.
Our Compliance Testing team can help in the creation of new system technical files, using our decades of experience and our knowledgeable inhouse system design team. Reviewing the information that you already poses, and then using site surveys and other means to identify system design, fixing details, hidden elements, and design considerations. All with the aim of ensuring you are able to meet the your responsibilities as a duty holder.
Get In Touch
If you want to learn more about what KaydeeSayfa can do for your building or understand more about what BS 7883:2019 means for you and your building. Get in touch with our team: or call 01509 502 155.
To learn more about how our team can support your project speak to our team!