Epsom Station is a Network Rail operated Train Station servicing the town of Epsom, Surrey. The train station is a multi-purpose building, which also houses a number of residential flats and commercial spaces. KaydeeSayfa have been providing 6 Month LOLER testing and 12 Month compliance testing services on this site for over 8 years.
The building includes a number of abseil, fall restraint, and collective fall protection systems. These systems allow workers to perform cleaning and maintenance on either the roof itself or the building's façade.

Ensuring that your building's height safety systems are suitable for use, is a legal requirement when commissioning work at height. As a duty holder it is your responsibility to ensure that these systems are tested regularly or at a minimum before use. Our team, are able to provide you with a full system report and a certificate to confirm the system is safe for use. In the event that a system is not up to standard, then our operatives are able recommend remedial works to ensure your system is fit for use.

If you are unsure about your responsibilities as a duty holder or would like to understand more about your height safety systems, then get in touch with out team. Call us on 01509 502 155 or email enquiries@kaydeesayfa.co.uk