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Old Paradise Street: Keeping Façade Access On-Track and Mobile

Old Paradise Street is a major refurbishment project in the heart of London. The development involves the repurposing of the former Costa Coffee Roastery into a revitalised, carbon-neutral workspace. KaydeeSayfa was brought onto the project to provide the Façade Access and Height Safety Solution for the site. Providing a solution for this project required structural calculations and a strong & collaborative relationship with our suppliers to develop a bespoke and ultimately safe solution.

Old Paradise Street Illustrative Drawing

The Challenge

Within our scope of works our team needed to provide an access solution which would allow users to access the building's façade for cleaning purposes. Due to the aversion of fixing to the existing substrate of the roof, permanently fixing to the roof structure was not an option so an alternative solution was required.

The Solution

Our team designed, sourced, and installed a variety of systems to provide a Full Height Safety and Façade Access Solution. Our team installed Abseil Rail and Guardrail to provide fall protection and fall arrest/restraint solutions. Additionally the abseil rail and Mobile Davits also provide full façade access to give coverage of the required areas for cleaning and maintenance.

EdgeSeil Rail for facade access

Mobile Systems

A gantry was installed to the roof top to traverse the area easily, this provided a suitable area for a façade access system to be installed, such as the Abseil Rail. However, the remaining areas not covered by the gantry required a alternative solution. This needed to be non-fixed, due to the existing substrate, and be able to provide a deviation point over and beyond the freestanding guardrail.

Ultimately, after an in-depth review by our design team and close collaboration with our supplier, a bespoke system was proposed. This system utilised a Mobile Davit with a ladder and platform adaptation. It employs a counterweight technique to provide suitable leverage for safe façade access. This hybrid system would provide a safe means of overcoming the guardrail and accessing the façade, without exerting any force on to the guardrail or permanently fixing to the roof.

Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit with Ladder and platform for Facade Access

The innovative design of the Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit allows users to easily move the mobile davit along roof perimeters without the need to disassemble/unload the system. This provided a labour & time efficient access solution which in the lifetime of the building should provide a massive saving for the lifetime maintenance cost.

Early Stage Design Development

Developing and executing the system design for a pre-existing structure requires a significant amount of effort at the front end of the works. Significant Design effort is made to ensure that the proposed system meets the client's requirements and can be sustained by the pre-existing structure. As such, our experienced design team carried out an in-depth analysis of the drawings alongside the access strategy to develop a practical Façade Access Solution. Highlighting the potential conflict of accessing the façade through the guardrail, as well as the use of the mobile systems to avoid roof penetration.

Compliance Testing

Following the completion of works on Old Paradise Street, our team continues to be present on site with frequent system testing to maintain compliance. With the presence of Abseil Systems, in the form of Abseil Rail & Mobile Davits and Fall Protection with freestanding guardrail compliance testing is crucial. In the case of abseil systems, these need to undergo 6 Monthly LOLER testing to remain certified safe for use, whereas the fall protection systems need inspection every 12 months.

Our dedicated Compliance Services Team continues to provide a hassle-free and professional service for the building owner ensuring that they can effectively manage their responsibilities for those working at height on their building.

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